Activeworlds Resources & Related Websites
- Official Activeworlds Website. Download your AW Client if you haven't already done so.
- Activeworlds Newsletter: Monthly Community Newsletter put out by AWI but written by Activeworlds Citizens.
- home of AWEC, AWHS, Comreg, AW Info Squares, CY Awards, AWU, AWSchool, Objects d' Activeworlds and AW Reunion.
- - A resource for newbies to the ActiveWorlds program to familiarize themselves with the controls and the community. This site is maintained by maki.
- - The best resource for Activeworlds news.
- Tons of features such as AW news, quizzes and help.
- AW Tale: A story written a long time ago by Goober King that follows the lives of various Alphaworld avatar personalities.
- Read all about Canopus' Mars project for the AWI Public Building world 'Mars'. This website used to host assorted bots he created but he pulled them off for some unknown reason.
- Eepē: Eep's Activeworlds pages, including building tips, history and improvements for the AW browser.
- Lord Perception's AW Blog
- Mauz's Activeworlds Pages: Excellent site that contains AW history, citizen info, tech talk logs & much more.
- Peacekeeper organization website and home of the Garbage Elimination Team.
- AW Reunion: Info on the 2007 AW Reunion.
- Support AW: A resource dedicated to the success of the Active Worlds program.
- SW Comit Dress-Up: Ever dream of dressing SW Comit? Now is your chance to make that dream a reality! Created by The Creator back in 2000.
- trueSpace Tutorials - trueSpace tutorial by Robbie on getting started with trueSpace for modelling within Active Worlds.
Activeworlds Tools
- Bots by Ima Genius and Faber.
- XelaG Quality Bots: Home of the XelaGot! SW City uses Xelagot as their main utility bot.
- Zordbots: Home of the Phone Bot and other various tools created by Zord.
- Ananas: ActiveWorlds and 3D Related tools and links.
- Active Worlds tools by Andras. SW City uses many of Andras' fine tools such as YASBB and MapView.
- Alphaworld Property Search: Search for the property you built using your citizen number and privelage password. It even tells you what your first object was and how many objects you have built.
- Alphaworld Enhanced: High-res texture enhancement for Alphaworld.
- MrGrimm's VB-SDK Wrapper
- HamFon's Homepage: The old website for the Hambot, which have been long retired since HamFon left AW.
Activeworlds Communities
Activeworlds Discussion
Online Forums