Images - Click
image to view. |
Village |
Nimbusian World |
Syntax Estates
SW City Collage |
Landing Point Island
Rising Glen Retreat |



Screens |
Ilexus Forest
A picturesque shot of Ilexus Temple and some surrounding wildlife.
Extract file to /splash in your Active Worlds directory.
(by Syntax) |
Nimbusians @ City Hall
Three Nimbusians standing outside the picturesque SW City Hall.
Installation instructions included in the zip file.
(by SW Comit) |
- Unzip
to /toolbars folder |
Blue Marble (2006)
The SW3D toolbar modified with a new background
and new buttons. Comes in two sizes. Download
Black Tile (2006)
The SW3D toolbar modified with a new background
and new buttons. Comes in two sizes. Download
Files |
AW Cache Backup and Restore
This tool allows users to easily make a copy of their AW property
cache. If you crash, you can easily restore the backup and avoid
having to redownload all property information. |
SR Folding@HOME Logo
A logo for your Folding@HOME client if you are on the Scarabian
Republic folding team (team number 11309).
Download the ZIP file if you're having trouble saving the picture.
RGB Color Picker
An excellent tool for building with colors in Active Worlds.
Not only does it let you custom create HTML color codes for
you, but it also lets you choose colors from the screen. Great
for matching and blending colors.
Download (12kb)
City Language Pack Outdated
Unzip the language file (swcity.awm) into the /messages folder
in your Active Worlds Directory. Restart AW if you had it running
when you unzipped the awm file. Open AW. Go to Options » Settings
» Advanced tab. Select SW City from the drop down menu. |
Universal Teleport List (UTL)
A huge list of teleports to around SW City to be used for your
Teleports tab in the AW browser. Every teleport is named/grouped
as followed:
"SW City - [District] - [Building]"
To install it, you can copy all the teleports
inside this one and paste them into your existing teleports.txt.
Or you can overwrite your current teleports and just go to SW
City places all the time. :P