Warehouse Report


Genucon Logo

To: Phillip Lightfoot

From: Distribution Department

Date: December 15, 2007

Re: Warehouse Report


As per your request, we have looked into taking full stock of the old West Field warehouse. The owners have agreed and after combing through the shipping records and taking inventory, we have assembled a report of the full stock of the Warehouse. As per your secondary request, this report will be forwarded in its entirety to the companies sharing the space with us.


Bloyteg has been leasing a row for several years now. Their stock includes...

  • Bloyteg Three-Legged Fold-Up Chairs: Low Quality
  • Bloyteg Containment Cell: Low Quality
  • Bloyteg Termite Repellant: Low Quality
  • Bloyteg Toilet: Low Quality

Department of Tourism

The Department of Tourism uses the majority of this warehouse due to its proximity to Town Square Park. Their stock includes...

  • 2 Large Crates of Lumber
  • 3 Metal Cylinders
  • Guide Uniforms
  • Historical Plaque Duplicates
  • SW City Maps
  • SUT Components
  • Unused Location Marking

It should be noted that this is where a majority of the SUT Components are stored until use, and that they take up a large percentage of space in this warehouse.


Our report shows that we are only using up a small corner space. Our stock includes...

  • SWiki Promotional Shipment
  • Vitro-Meat

As a side note, the employees taking stock reported a foul stench near our crates. I'm not sure how Vitro-Meat arrived un-refrigerated at that warehouse, but it is almost certainly spoiled and we may have to take a loss on the entire shipment and investigate how it arrived there from our Velothi Island location.

Praxten Corporation

Praxten Corporation is currently using the warehouse to hold a shipment of oil that is in dispute due to a payment error. Their stock includes...

  • Eight barrels of Standard Oil
  • Two barrels of Premium Oil


As I mentioned earlier in the report, there is a spoiled shipment of Vitro-Meat here. This may very well be our lost shipment, so I congratulate you on issuing us to search this warehouse. However, due to the spoiling of the Vitro-Meat it may just be easier to dump that entire shipment. We can always make more Vitro-Meat, and I doubt the SWiki Foundation would mind reproducing its promotion once they hear our situation.

Beyond that, it looks like this case is closed. If I could make a last comment, though, I can't possibly imagine what kind of bum would ship vitro-meat unrefrigerated. We may have to initiate a performance on those lazy, slacking submin shippers again!


Timothy Cloudhold: Distribution Department