Faldon Railroad


Centuries ago Faldon Village became one of the largest centers of trade around. It grew prosperious, and with that prosperity also came industry. Favorable trading relations with the Hyokians to the south allowed for a railroad to be established in Faldon. This railroad allowed for quicker trade to Fort Masen and the merchants that arrived at its port, and more prominently shipping cargo from the Mazenda Mines.


With the railroad also came opportunity. Many jobs were opened up for the working class. Wealthier people used the railroad as a quicker means of transportation. The neer-do-wells of the area saw opportunities as well. By the mid 1700's bandits from Serro began organized raids on the train.

Windslo Blackboot

One particular Nimbusian bandit, "Windslo Blackboot," stood out amongst the others. Known across the desert as a nefarious yet cunning tactician, Blackboot is said to have single handedly brought on the decline of the railroad. Local authorities were never able to catch Blackboot, and he lead successful raids on the train until his death in 1792.

One notable instance of Blackboot occured in 1764, when on a blaringly sunny day Blackboot's party damaged a length of track, causing the train to derail. The party proceeded to loot the train of its valuables among the wreckage, leaving its surviving passengers and crew to their own devices. Blackboot's tactics were extremely harsh, but quickly shut down any opposition to his activites.

Although Blackboot was a bandit, after he became successful in his raids he stopped making frequent appearances in Serro. His stash of treasures was also never recovered. Rumor has it that Blackboot kept his property far away from Serro, somewhere outside of Faldon. His bounty has never been recovered, but Faldon residents would always make claims of seeing Blackboot escape to the southwest, traveling along the edges of the desert. His bounty is suspected to be somewhere in the desert, as stakeout points along the Ravous River and near Fort Masen never yielded any results or caught sight of Blackboot.


Any fool daring enough to attempt to follow in the footsteps of Blackboot should take heed: he was never caught for a reason. His cunning lives on beyond his death, and wherever his bounty lies will be dangerous; and may cost you your life!