Kithi Crows


The Kithi Crows were originally spotted throughout Kithicor Forest in the less dense trees, but have since moved their way to the entire SW City Territory.

Both male and female Kithi Crows have entirely black plumage with orange bills and yellow legs, feet and claws. The body plumage and wings have a violet iridescence in strong light. Full albinism is rare with white wing feathers occurring more frequently. The body weight averages about a pound with a body length from 15’’ to 21’' and a wingspan up to 36”. Flight speed is about 30 mph with short bursts attaining 60 mph. Their eyesight is similar to a wild turkey... just make a move and see what happens. Their hearing is superb. All the species in this family are very bold and aggressive. In the wild, crows live 5 to 6 years. In captivity they reach 20 years with the oldest recorded at 30 years. Kithi Crows have the smallest lifespan in Palm District.

In recent years, the Kithi Crow population has started to dwindle because of illegal sport hunting.


Being omnivorous, their diet consists of almost anything: seeds, fruits, nuts, insects, worms, eggs, nestlings, frogs, mice and garbage. They are attracted to garbage dumps and have a well-known fondness for melons and corn. Even though Kithi Crows like garbage, they are rarely spotted around the Gutz Island landfill. Radiation and toxic waste are the assumed culprits to this phenomenon.


O Rly? Owl

Among the Kithi Crows natural enemies are owls, primarily the O Rly? owl and some of the larger hawks. They exhibit a cooperative defense behavior where they will often gang-up on or “mob” an enemy until it leaves the area. A band of Kithi Crows once mobbed Governor Christopher Wagner while he was taking a relaxed stroll down SW Main Street. He escaped with only minor cuts and scrapes. Despite this, man is still the number one enemy of the Kithi Crow.


Kithi Crows generally nest once per year. Nest building usually commences in late March and takes about 5 days. They are usually placed moderately high (70’ to 100’) in either SWian Redwoods or Kithicor Pines. The nests are cup shaped and constructed of twigs and bark and lined with grass, leaves, hair, feathers etc. An average of 5 eggs are laid in late April to early May and hatch in about 20 days. The eggs are 1.6” and are bluish-green with brown markings. The young (average nest success is 3) remain in the nest for about a month and are fed even longer.