SWiki - The SW City Encyclopedia

The SW City Wiki is the one and only encyclopedia to find out everything there is to know about SW City. The SWiki, as we call it, was launched on June 20th, 2005 and now contains a large amount of articles written by various contributors. The SWiki has new content added whenever anyone feels like writing an article.

Did you know...

  • ...that the 50+ security cameras seen around town are functional? They are tied into the SWI system.
  • ...that Sybit island, the second largest island in SW City, was named with the conjunction of Syntax and Comit's name, with the added b in the middle.
  • ...that below the city lies the sewer network, and below that lies the imperial sewers, and below that lies the planetary veins?
  • ...that Flint might reward you for tipping him?
  • ...that the currency used in SW City is called Flint?

Recent Edits...

SWiki Categories

History contains mostly lore history as well as the real life timeline.

Geographical areas within SW City territory.

Plants and Animals that inhabit SW City habitats.

Races that inhabit and develop the SW City territory.

Organizations that are providing services or producing goods within SW City territory.

Products that can be purchased within SW City.